Judy Avrick

Member Experience Representitive

Judy Avrick is a Marketing Member Experience Representative at The Veterinary Cooperative.  Judy previously worked in Business to Business marketing for a telecommunications company and Consumer marketing for a national liquor company; her experience at each company both involved a focus on strategic planning, sales promotion, and revenue growth.  She has also worked in advertising, consulting, and publishing.  Judy also has extensive nonprofit managerial experience through her volunteer work in her children’s public school district.  Judy is excited to bring all of her skills and experience to TVC to help our members maintain their independence and competitiveness.

Judy has always loved animals; her first encounter was with the stuffed variety, and she amassed quite a collection.  She then graduated to a goldfish, a succession of parakeets, and finally, after much begging and a grandparent’s intervention, a dog!  Judy and her family have been talking about getting a dog for a while now, so who knows?


Judy has a B.A. in English from New York University; an M.A. in English and Comparative Literature from Columbia University; and an MBA in Marketing from Northwestern University’s Kellogg School of Management.

When not working Judy spends her free time with family, reading, going to movies and local theatre, travel, and indulging in a reverse bucket list of trying to catch aging rock stars’ shows when they’re in town before they kick the bucket.


 Judy Is based out of Chicago IL